22 Bishopsgate, EC2

Beazley’s initial assumption wasto renew their existing leases and to implement a phased refurbishment. As a result of our research and advice, we demonstrated the advantages of moving to a modern contemporary building to fully execute the strategy.
22 Bishopsgate was chosen as it supports Beazley’s objective to provide enhanced staff experiences. The change in workplace strategy has allowed them to reduce their London footprint from65,000 sq ft to 50,000 sq ft whilst increasing head count to over 700 staff.
The project completed during thePandemic, and the eventual return to the office in 2021 to the new ways of working, demonstrated just how forward-thinking the real-estate policy turned out to be.
"Following the success of our new Birmingham office, Squarebrook helped us through a process of change for our London office. At Beazley, we strive to provide our employees with an efficient working environment that fosters collaboration and creativity. We believe TwentyTwo fully satisfies these conditions as well as offering us the flexibility to continue to grow. We are so grateful for Rupert for his guidance and outstanding contribution to securing Beazley a bright new future."
Munira Hirji
Head of Commercial Management, Beazley